Routemap to reopening the Marina and Yard after Lockdown.

With a little bit of optimism and light at the end of the tunnel, now that the Scottish Government has published their roadmap out of Lockdown, we’ve been looking at what this looks like for all of us.
It’s never been Portavadie’s intention to stop berth holders and those on hard standing gaining access to their boats, but the travel restrictions imposed on all of us due to the Coronavirus Pandemic have unfortunately had that affect. Whilst Portavadie, Loch Fyne has had to close down, with the majority of its staff on Furlough and the resort mothballed for the timebeing, the exception to this closure has been the marina and yard, which has been actively manned every day.
There's a great deal of unknown as regards dates for Phase changes, which will likely happen when the numbers and science say it's safe to do so and of course there's a great deal of lobbying being undertaken on our behalf by various groups, but as at 22/5/20, we believe our reopening will be along the following lines:
Portavadie’s steps towards reopening, in line with the Scottish Governments phased plan:
Phase 1:
· When Phase 1 is implemented by the Scottish Government they recommend local travel for Leisure purposes and exercise only. The 5 mile suggestion would therefore seem to extend to the immediate area of Tighnabruaich and Kames only. The marina and yard will become open to those that can travel here whilst observing the Governments Guidelines and that have advised us in advance.
· Customers must practice social distancing. 2 customers per boat from the same household.
· There will be no services on offer, no toilets, no eateries, no shop/chandlery, no cooking gas sales and fuel only by advance request.
· Please note that discharge of heads into the marina is strictly prohibited.
· Customers are respectively asked to leave Portavadie by 4pm.
· No overnight stays permitted.
· The yard will start operating on a much reduced basis. Only those boats that are currently ready to launch and those for which we have the contract to antifoul will be scheduled. (Sorry, but we do not currently have room to store boats ashore that are hauling out for owner, or more significant works.)
Phase 2:
· As per Phase 1, although travel by motor vehicle is now mentioned, it's still classed as "local".
· It is likely that the toilets will remain closed, as demand will be very low due to the continuing travel restrictions.
· In preparation of Phase 3, if we have the space, some limited boats may be hauled in preparation for owners works. Time ashore may be limited to 1 week from the start of Phase 3, due to the pressures of launching and demand for liftouts.
Phase 3:
· We welcome all our berth holders and yard customers from all over.
· Toilets and showers will be open.
· Customers must practice social distancing and will likely be asked to wear face coverings indoors. (To be advised at a future date.)
· Some limited services will be on offer, but until we get closer to that date we can’t confirm what exactly as regards eateries, shop/chandlery etc. Cooking gas available and the fuel dock will return to normal hours of operation.
It's a long road and we're all eager to get back to business and boating. Hopefully we'll see Phase 3 sooner than later and I hope the above goes some way to explain how we intend to get there, whilst still following the guidelines and looking after the health & safety of our staff and customers.