Visitor Berthing in 2022.

We're looking forward to welcoming visitors back for the 2022 season!
Due to a fully booked marina for 2022, visitor berthing can be obtained on S dock. In settled weather, additional berthing can be found on the concrete entrance pontoons.
Unfortunately all of our hammerheads are occupied for the summer season, so visitor berths for larger vessels is in very short supply. In general anything over 50ft l.o.a. will need to berth on our concrete entrance pontoons.
Visitor berths are on a first come first served basis, although the marina team will do what they can to book you a spot ahead of time, should you contact us suitably in advance.
Please do not take a berth in any other section of the marina, as you will be asked to vacate, allowing the berth holder to return.
On busy weekends, rafting up may be required on the visitors berths.
Additionally, it's a great idea to pre-book the Restaurant and Leisure Club, especially over weekends and holidays to avoid disappoinment. You can do this by emailing and